Our impact.

Since 2015, we have seen the transformative nature of SOLES’ approach to education, leadership development and activism. Perhaps the most obvious transformations we see in our students is a stronger sense of self, a genuine connection to nature, and an awareness of their need for authentic community. Our participants often arrive without direction, unsure of who they are and what their place in the world is. They lack confidence and a solid group of friends and mentors. They leave SOLES ready to tackle environmental challenges, run for Student Council, take on a leadership role at their college’s Environmental Center, fight for cleaner rivers and oceans, lead diversity and inclusion programming for their college’s outing club. The list goes on.


  • "My first SOLES trip changed my life. When you are tired, exposed, and distraction-less in the wilderness, you have lots of time to reflect. I was struggling with my “why” in life, but every pass we climbed over, every sunset we saw, every delicious camp-stove meal shared over giggles gave me my why. The SOLE sisters and the co-leaders, Ashley and Rachel, gave me a space where [I was] accepted and heard. This community changed the way I can connect to people and connect to myself."


  • “I have learned the importance of community and how being close to others gives you a space in which you can relax - a space in which you can be yourself.”


  • "Since SOLES I've tried rock climbing, bouldering, and zip lining, and though there is still a tiny voice in my head saying I shouldn't be here, I try and perhaps fail a thousand times anyways. But the reward of finally making it up a rock that's a meager 15 feet or skiing down what I believed previously to be impossible is so much more rewarding than listening to that voice anyway."


  • "Ashley inspired me to be the best I could for others, but also to tailor my life experiences to bring myself joy by doing big adventures in the mountains and early morning hikes before a full workday. I hope to live up to the greatness that Ashley Carruth models for women in leadership, outdoor prowess, academic fortitude, resiliency, independence, efficiency, and community engagement."


  • “Growing up as a young queer person whose interests were multifaceted in, academia, activism, arts and the mountains, I always felt uneasy as to where the majority of my values should lie. Ashley was the first person to show me that true dedication and passion towards a subject, does not mean abandoning your individuality and embracing a norm."


  • “Because I am in SOLES I feel like I am a part of something bigger. I have made stronger female relationships through SOLES and this has impacted how I feel when I need someone to turn to.”
